National Cyber Security Organisation in Hungary

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About the study from website of CCD COE:

This report is a part of a NATO CCD COE project that assembles a comprehensive overview of existing national organisational models for ensuring cyber security in NATO Nations that are Sponsoring Nations to the NATO CCD COE. The study outlines the division of cyber security tasks and responsibilities between different agencies, describes their mandate, tasks and competences, and the coordination among them. In particular, it describes themandates of political and strategic management; operational cyber security capabilities and cyber incident management; military cyber defence; and cyber aspects of crisis prevention and crisis management.

It also offers a summary of the national information society setting and e-government initiatives as well as the national cyber security strategy objectives in order to clarify the context for the organisational approach in a particular nation.The result is a series of country chapters, outlining national cyber security management structures by nation. The project contributes to awareness among NATO Allies about cyber security management in the varied national settings, thus supporting nations enhancing their own organisational structure, encouraging the spread of best practices, and contributing to the development of cooperation between different national institutions in NATO nations.

Full study download here